We’ve got an action-packed month ahead! Who’s excited for Autumn walks?
We are super excited for the activities and trips our community have planned throughout the month including regional hikes, blogs about our team and best winter walks, BIG WEEKEND trips and even an Instagram Live event with FAWE You!
It’s not too late to plan your regional meet-ups! Check out our blog about how to set-up meet-ups and meet like-minded ladies.
To attend any of the events listed below, you must be a member of an Outdoor Adventure Girls Facebook group. To find your local group, visit www.facebook.com/outdooradventuregirls – click ‘Groups’ and find your local area.
Saturday 1st October
Ivinghoe Beacon Sunrise
Location: Ivinghoe Beacon
Distance: 10km
Event Link: https://fb.me/e/30UuYyVly
Sunday 2nd October
OAG South East – Woburn walk
Location: Woburn
Distance: 5km
Event Link: https://fb.me/e/4X2GSowD6
Saturday 8th October
Drinks in Birmingham
Location: Birmingham City Centre
Event Link: https://fb.me/e/paotaVbFf
Saturday 15th October
Holmbury Hill, Pitch Hill & Peaslake Walk
Location: Hurtwood, Dorking
Distance: 9-10km
Event Link: https://fb.me/e/4StCsDRaN
Tuesday 18th October
BLOG: Meet The Moderator: Casey Wiggin
Blog Link: https://outdooradventuregirls.com/meet-the-moderator-casey-wiggin
Saturday 22nd October
North Downs Way FINAL Section – Etchinghill to Dover
Location: Etchinghill, Kent
Distance: 12 miles
Event Link: https://fb.me/e/77UV5UGpB
Tuesday 25th October, 7pm
Importance of Wellness Instagram Live with FAWE You
Link: https://fb.me/e/1ZDvlCwmY
Tuesday 25th October
BLOG: Best Winter Walks in the UK
Blog Link: https://outdooradventuregirls.com/best-winter-walks-in-the-uk/
Friday 28th – Sunday 30th October
BIG WEEKEND #7 – South Downs
Location: South Downs
Event Link: https://fb.me/e/37WQEeB3w (must book)