Terms and Conditions // Outdoor Adventure Girls

1 About us
We are Outdoor Adventures Girls Ltd a company registered in England and Wales under company number: 13846721. Our registered office is at: Pury Hill Business Park, Alderton Road, Towcester Alderton Road, Paulerspury, Towcester, England, NN12 7LS. Our VAT number is: 450165028.

2 How to contact us
You can contact us by sending an email to [email protected].

3 These terms
3.1 These terms apply to any event bookings through our website [and hosted by us personally, and not through a third-party Provider who has their own terms and conditions]. Please read these terms carefully as they set out important information about your and our rights and obligations. Please note that you must agree to these terms before you place your order.
3.2 Any reference to ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ in these terms is to Outdoor Adventure Girls Ltd and any reference to ‘you’ or ‘your’ is to the person making a booking on our site. We may also refer to ‘Provider’ throughout this contract when there is a third party involved with any of our trips. The third party will also have their own T&Cs, which you will be provided with upon booking.
3.2.1 Our current third-party Provider(s) are listed, but not limited to:
(a) Intrepid Travel (Provider terms and conditions)
(b) Mountain Skills Training (Provider terms and conditions)
(c) SUP Stratford
(d) Different Perspectives Training
3.3 You must be female and at least 18 years old to make a booking on our site.
3.4 We may make changes to these terms at any time. However, the terms which apply to your order will be those in force at the time you submitted your order to us.
3.5 If any provision of these terms is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of any other provision of these terms will not be affected.

4 Bookings
4.1 Acceptance of your booking by us takes place when we send your booking confirmation on our site, at which point a legally binding contract is formed between you and us on these terms.
4.2 If we do not accept your order, for example because we are unable to take payment, the services are unavailable, you are under 18 or not adhering to rules set out prior, or there has been a mistake regarding the pricing or description of the services, we will email you using the details you provided when you placed your order. We have the right to reject any order for any reason.

5 Providing services
5.1 Descriptions of our events are set out on our site.
5.2 The event will take place at the time(s), on the date(s) and at the location selected by you when you placed your booking.
5.3 We are not liable to you for any losses you incur as a result of any delay caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control (for example, severe weather, accidents or unpredictable traffic delays).
5.4 In the event of bad weather, we may need to make changes to the itinerary and (but not limited to) the included activities to something more suitable or safe. Attendees will be updated through our various communications channels in the lead-up to any event. Your safety is always our number one priority. No refunds will be offered for changes to the itinerary.
5.5 If we are required to cancel your trip due to adverse and unsafe weather conditions, we will not be responsible for any costs incurred from travel arrangements, other accommodations etc. We recommend that you book flexible travel options and have appropriate travel insurance.
5.6 Each trip has a set minimum number for the trip to take place; both for UK weekends and overseas trips. Our overseas trips have a minimum number of 14, whereas our UK weekends have a minimum number of 20 guests. Our trips are normally fully booked, however, if we do not reach the minimum numbers we may be required to cancel your trip. We will look to decide on whether an event is likely to be cancelled because of minimum numbers, no less than 8 weeks before an event.
5.7 If we are required to cancel, we will not be responsible for any costs incurred from travel arrangements, accommodation etc. We recommend that you book flexible travel options and have appropriate travel insurance.

6 Force Majure
6.1 Except where otherwise expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions we will not be liable or pay you compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by “Force Majeure”.
6.2 Force Majeure means any event beyond us, or the Provider’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples include warfare and acts of terrorism (and threat thereof), civil strife, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the travel destination or remain at the travel destination, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, industrial dispute, labour strikes, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster, unavoidable technical problems with transport and all similar events outside our or the Provider(s) concerned’s control.

7 Prices
7.1 Prices for our services are set out on our site. All prices are in pounds sterling (£)(GBP) and include VAT at the applicable rate.
7.2 Prices for our services may change at any time. Except as set out in clause 6.3 below, such changes will not affect existing orders.
7.3 If there has been an error on the site regarding the pricing of any of our services and this affects your order, we will try to contact you using the contact details you provided when you placed your order. We will give you the option to re-confirm your order at the correct price or to cancel your order. If we are unable to contact you, we will treat the order as cancelled and notify you by email.

8 Payment
8.1 We accept all major credit cards and debit cards. You can also pay by PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay. All credit card and debit card payments need to be authorised by the relevant card issuer.
8.2 You have the option to pay in full at the point of booking or to pay in instalments.
8.3 If you book less than 8 weeks in advance of the event date, the full event amount is due upon booking.
8.4 We will take the first payment (whether that is the full amount or the first instalment) from your card at the point of booking. This is required to confirm your place.
8.5 If you choose to pay in instalments, the first instalment is payable at the point of booking. The remaining instalments are payable on the dates set out on the relevant event page on our site. We will invoice you for the remaining instalment payments. Your invoice will be sent to the email address you provided when you placed your order and must be paid by you by the due date.
8.6 If the balance is not paid in full, or if the instalments are not paid by their respective due dates, we reserve the right to cancel your booking. All monies paid to date are non-refundable.

9 Cancellation
9.1 You may cancel your booking at any time, but all bookings are non-refundable.
9.2 To cancel your order, please email us at [email protected]. To help us process your cancellation more quickly, please have your order number ready or include it in the email or cancellation form you send to us.
9.3 We do allow for guests to sell their space on to another community member, but this is only possible when the event has sold out. If you cancel within 12 weeks of the event date, regrettably we will not be able to process a transfer. If you find someone to sell your spot on to, please help us process this quickly, by sending us the name and email address of the person you are selling to. The person you are selling to must send you the monies, not us. The exchange is between you and the buyer.

10 Transferring your booking (as above)
10.1 You may transfer your booking, and your rights under these terms to another Outdoor Adventure Girls member at least 12 weeks’ prior to the event, and with our prior permission. Please email us at [email protected] to do so.
10.2 We may transfer our rights under these terms to another business without your consent, but we will notify you of the transfer and make sure that your rights are not adversely affected as a result.

11 Events beyond our control
11.1 We are not liable to you if we fail to comply with these terms because of circumstances beyond our reasonable control. This includes and is not limited to; bad weather, a global pandemic and/or war. Please also see 6.0 Force Majure for more information.

12 Travel insurance
12.1 We require you to take out relevant and adequate travel insurance as a condition of booking a trip with us. This is most important with our overseas events, but we also recommend this for any UK events, in the event you are taken unwell or are injured. We strongly advise that you take out a policy of insurance as soon as you book your trip with us or our Provider, to cover you against the cost of any unforeseen circumstances such as cancellation by you, accident, illness, injury, loss of baggage and money. This is the responsibility of you, and we accept no liability for arranging travel insurance for our customers.

13 Travel to and from the event
13.1 We do not provide flights and are not responsible for how you travel and arrive at the starting point of an event or trip, both in the UK and overseas. We may provide further information regarding how to arrive at the starting point, however, it remains your responsibility to make your own travel arrangements for both before and after the trip. We accept no responsibility or liability to you for any travel arrangements.

14 Accommodation
14.1 All accommodation ratings are provided by us, or the relevant Provider. These are intended to give a guide to the facilities you can expect from your accommodation. Ratings may vary between countries, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any ratings given.

15 Visas, entry and immigration
15.1 As a courtesy, we provide general information regarding entry, passport, visa, health and/or immigration requirements applicable to your trip. It is the responsibility of the customer to arrange their own visa, immigration and entry to a country. We, or the Provider do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel or incur any other loss because you have not complied with any entry, passport, visa or immigration requirements.
15.2 It is also the customer’s responsibility to check passport requirements including (but not limited to) the duration of validity of your passport following the return date, or whether your passport must be machine-readable (USA travel).
15.3 For UK residents booking European travel, you should obtain a UK Global Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC) before departure unless you can rely upon an existing European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

16 Conduct and behaviour
16.1 All our customers are expected to always conduct themselves in an orderly manner and be respectful of everyone on the trip, this includes communication between guests on our WhatsApp communities. If this is highlighted to us, or seen by an event host, we reserve the right to terminate your booking immediately.
16.2 Termination is the decision of the acting event host and will also be agreed with the CEO for the removal of this guest from a trip. In the event of such termination, our liability to you will cease and you will be required to leave your accommodation or other arrangements immediately.
16.3 In this instance, Outdoor Adventure Girls will offer no refunds for any outstanding loss of accommodation or unused arrangements and will not pay any expenses incurred because of the termination, such as making alternative travel arrangements.
16.4 Neither we, or the Provider can be held responsible for the actions or behaviour of other guests or individuals who have no connection with your booking arrangements or with us.

17 Your information
Any personal information that you provide to us will be dealt with in line with our Privacy Policy available here, which explains what information we collect and hold about you, and how we collect, store, use and share such information.
All medical issues and dietary requirements must be provided to Outdoor Adventure Girls when requested and given no later than four weeks before the trip, in order for the us or the Provider to make all necessary arrangements ahead of the trip.

18 Medical conditions and declaration
18.1 We, or the Provider will do our utmost to cater for any special requirements any of our guests will have, but we request that all medical conditions, including any disabilities and any other special requirements, are stated at the point of booking which may affect your trip. We may ask you to produce a doctor’s certificate certifying that you are fit to participate in your chosen tour, if required.
18.2 If we are unable to properly accommodate the needs of the person(s) concerned, we will not confirm your booking and will refund you any monies paid.

19 No third party rights
No one other than us or you has any right to enforce any of these terms.

20 Complaints
20.1 If you are unhappy with us or the services we have provided to you, please contact us at [email protected].

21 Governing law and jurisdiction
21.1 If you are a consumer, the laws of England and Wales apply to these terms, although if you are resident elsewhere you will retain the benefit of any mandatory protections given to you by the laws of that country. Any disputes will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. This means that you can choose whether to bring a claim in the courts of England and Wales or in the courts of another part of the UK in which you live.

22 Statement of risk
22.1 Each member who attends is attending at their own risk. Outdoor Adventure Girls UK, Provider or event organiser does not accept responsibility. You can read our full statement of risk here.

These terms and conditions have been updated and are in force as of 31 May 2024.