OAG was created so that like-minded women could meet up and connect with the outdoors. When it comes to attending a meet-up, we want to ensure that everyone is safe. We’ve created some group safety tips below to keep yourself and your group safe at all times.
- Make sure you have a telephone number for the group leader.
- Use the WhatsApp group created for the event to communicate throughout the meet-up if you lose sight of the group.
- Make sure your phone is fully charged and carry a portable charger with you.
- Make sure you know the path you are walking, always forward plan and have a backup plan if paths become disrupted.
- Use walking apps to help you navigate.
- Carry a map and compass just in case your phone dies.

- Make sure to dress appropriately for your surroundings, wear base layers, water-proofs and always bring a hat and gloves. The top of the summit will be a lot windier and colder than the bottom of the hill.
- Always carry spare socks and clothing just in case you get wet.

- Make sure to bring everything you need for the day in your rucksack. Follow our list of suggestions of what to pack here.
Lastly, enjoy yourselves!
When joining one of our regional Facebook groups, you are accepting full responsibility for yourself during meetups. OAG is not responsible for your safety. When attending or organising meetups, do your research and build a safety strategy.
Each member who attends a meetup, does so at their own risk. Outdoor Adventure Girls UK and the meetup event organiser do not accept any responsibility for any issues encountered on the day.