As we approach the holidays, we begin to unwind…
Whether that’s a visit to your local Christmas markets, meeting up with friends for mulled wine or heading to the mountains for a cold brisk hike…
Our community have planned all sorts of activities, from climbing sessions, regional hikes and festive meet-ups!
To view the event details in full, join your regional Facebook group.
Friday 2nd- Sunday 4th December
Bath Christmas Markets trip
Location: Bath
Information: We had a weekend of Christmas markets, winter hikes, festive wreath-making and lots of laughter!
Thursday 8th December, 1:30pm
Liverpool Christmas Markets meet-up
Location: St George’s Hall, Liverpool
Information: We’re going to pop to the Christmas markets for a festive evening of mulled wine and mince pies!
Event Link:
Saturday 10th December, 12pm
Christmas Climbing Meet-up
Location: Coventry
Information: Climbing session followed by lunch at Cafe.
Event Link:
Sunday 11th December, 12pm
White Horse Hill Hike
Location: Oxfordshire
Information: Walking a loop which includes Waylands Smithy (couple of hours outside)
Event Link:
Wednesday 14th December, 6pm
South East Christmas drinks meet-up
Location: Milton Keynes
Information: Drinks followed by dinner in an Italian restaurant
Event Link:
Thursday 15th December, 6pm
BLOG: Activities to do in Winter
Link to blog:
Sunday 18th December, 9:30am
Peak District Hike – Tideswell Dale, Cressbrook and Peters Stone
Location: Buxton
Information: 8 mile hike followed by pub lunch in the Peak District.
Event Link:
Sunday 18th December, 11am
Sunday walk in Lincolnshire at Nettleton
Location: Lincolnshire Wolds
Information: 6.1 mile hike
Event Link: